Terms and condition


At Paws Avenue Pet Spa,
your pet’s safety and well-being is our number one priority. Every effort will be made to make your Pets visit a safe and happy one.
I agree to advocate for my pet and disclose all confirmed or potential conditions/concerns in relation to medical/behavioural/social/grooming history to Paws Avenue Pet Spa, when attending grooming or day care services. I will provide as much information as possible to ensure the safety of my pet, the staff and other customers of Paws Avenue Pet Spa.

Paws Avenue Pet Spa reserves the right to refuse service, or to stop service in progress, if your pet poses a risk to themselves, other pets or Paws Avenue Pet Spa Staff, by displaying any form of abnormal behaviour e.g aggression, seizures, excessive panting etc.

I agree to be solely responsible and liable for any and all acts of behaviour by my pet(s). This may include but is not limited to injury or death to pet, injury or death to another pet(s), or injury or death to any individual providing services in our salon, or other members of the public using our salon.

I acknowledge that in the unlikely event medical attention is required aside from basic first aid, Paws Avenue Pet Spa will obtain immediate veterinary treatment and any such veterinary treatment for their pet will be at the client’s expense.

Matted Coat:
I give consent for Paws Avenue Pet Spa to remove/shave out necessary matts through the wash and tidy process / service if unable to be brushed out. I understand and give consent for Paws Avenue Pet Spa to shave my pet short if matting is too severe, as the health and well-being of my pet is the number one priority.
I understand that Paws Avenue Pet Spa has the right to refuse service at their discretion if unrealistic expectations are held in regard to a matted/pelted coat.

I understand that Paws Avenue Pet Spa and the individual who is grooming my pet takes their duty of care very seriously, and great care and caution will be exercised when removing any matted/pelted coat, however Paws Avenue Pet Spa or any individual performing the service will not be held responsible for clipper burn and/or nicks resulting from grooming of matted, neglected coats, or for irritation caused by removing such coat from your pet (e.g haematoma, hotspots, bruising), nor will we be held responsible for stressful, mental or physical effects such grooming may have upon a pet.

I agree not to hold Paws Avenue Pet Spa or any individual performing services responsible for any injuries, which might result from this grooming process.

Additional Charges:
Paws Avenue Pet Spa reserve the right to charge additional fees for services we consider over and above the normal covered by our standard rates. This could be difficultly in grooming due to behaviour, skin condition, coat condition, or length of coat.

Ageing and Special Needs Pets:
I am aware that as a pet ages or if the pet has special medical conditions, the process of grooming may become stressful, both physically and mentally. The stress of grooming may cause latent, unknown, active or inactive conditions such as arthritis, bone, joint or surgical sites to become active or inflamed, and unknown active or inactive heart, kidney, or liver disorders to become active and can result in illness, seizures, or the death of the pet.  I acknowledge that the stress of grooming may initiate immediate or latent medical problems in my pet. I agree not to hold Paws Avenue Pet Spa or any individual performing services responsible for reactions to grooming.

Cancellation & No-Show Policy:
I understand and agree if I fail to show up for my scheduled appointment or cancel with less than
24 hours’ notice I will be charged a cancellation fee up to the entire cost of the service,
At the discretion of Paws Avenue Pet Spa

I agree to give Paws Avenue Pet Spa the right and permission to use photos of my pet taken while in Paws Avenue Pet Spa for illustration, art, promotion, advertising, social media, or any other purpose
Release of Liability:
I agree, understand and hereby release
Paws Avenue Pet Spa, owners, partners, contractors, volunteers, financially or otherwise, for injuries to my pet, myself, or any property of mine while my pet is participating in services or on site at Paws Avenue Pet Spa.

Yours sincerely,
Laura Gondeau